Hirwa Mountain Gorilla Family is one of the Mountain Gorilla families found in Volcanoes National Park Rwanda. With its historical chants unfolding all the way after the death of their beloved group leader known as Munyinya on February 21st, 2019, he succumbed to illness that lasted for some good time. Munyinya lost the battle, and died in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, the group is now led by Uburanga. The group was opened for tourism in July 2006 and named Hirwa in the same year. During his time, Munyinya increased the size of his group by grabbing individuals from surrounding groups such as Sabyinyo, Agashya and Kwitonda. Hirwa group has kept exhibiting its strength and maintained its status and respect from other gorilla groups in the area. Hirwa group is composed of 13 individuals including 1 Silverback,2 Adult females, 2 Blackbacks, 2 Sub-adult females,3 Juveniles and 3 Infants. This group is known to have the second ever surviving twins (Isango Gakuru and Isango Gato born to adult female Kabatwa).

The Hirwa gorilla family is a member of one of the gorilla families that may be found wandering in the Virunga conservation region. This region is bounded on three sides by national parks: Mgahinga Gorilla National Park in Uganda, Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda, and Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

When it comes to preferences, this group is one of the most liked by trekkers and also one of the most trekked groups, so you can be sure that you will like it as well. Also, since it is one of the most trekked groups, you can also be sure that it will be one of the most popular groups. When you invest a small amount of time in finding someone, their good fortune may become apparent.

Hirwa Mountain Gorilla Family
Hirwa Mountain Gorilla Family

“the lucky one” is what the name “Hirwa” translates to in the original Kinyarwanda language. The dominant silverback, Munyinga, caused friction with the Susa family by repeatedly mating with the females in this family, which led to the birth of this family. He made the decision to separate from his family and took two other women with him. He was known to bring other women with him wherever he went while he stayed on Mountain Sabyinyo. The fact that one of the Hirwa gorilla family’s babies was a set of twins has led some people to believe that the family is particularly fortunate. This took place in one of the mountain gorilla groups that actually had twins in their family.

They called the dormant volcano in the virunga ranges, Mountain Sabyinyo, which is also the location where they once lived, their home. It stands at a height of around 4,000 meters. Since the peak of this mountain resembles a set of crooked, weathered teeth, it is known as “Old Man’s Teeth.” It is distinct from all of the other mountains in the Virungas and from those found anywhere else in Africa.

The Hirwa family lives so close to each other that, with any luck, you should be able to locate them within the hour. Spending time with these magnificent creatures in their native habitats and observing them as they frolic, eat, and move around the forest is an experience that cannot be topped for its level of intrigue.

If you are interested in tracking this gorilla family, you will need to get a gorilla tracking permit. All through the year, each permit can be purchased for $1500 and reservations can be made either directly with the Rwanda Development Board or, more advantageously, through a Rwanda safari operator.