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Hike to the Dian Fossey gravesite trail Volcanoes National Park

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Hike to the Dian Fossey gravesite/trail : Do not miss to visit the grave of the Dian Fossey who died saving the Mountain gorillas. She gave in her life and happiness to conserve the mountain gorillas which in the end she lost her life. Her work and life came to be known by the world after the Gorillas in the Mist. During your hike you get to Research Camp-called Karisoke Research Camp that’s sits between Mount Karisimbi and Mount Bisoke. A 3-4 hours hike that starts from Kinigi Park Headquarters also ends to the rave of her beloved gorilla Digit that is near Dian Fossey’s grave.

Dian Fossey found out ways to habituate the mountain gorillas by first gaining the trust of the adult dominant male silverback.  Fossey was inspired by travelers returning from Africa and in 1966 decided to go on tour of parts of the continent.  She was really captivated with the natural beauty and wildlife she encountered. Later, Fossey picked interest in studying the history of mankind and especially evolution. Mary Galdikas, Jane Goodall and Dian Fossey were one of the students of Dr Richard Leakey, a renowned paleo-anthropologist who was known for sending other zealous researchers into the wilds of Africa. Whereas Fossey studied mountain gorillas, Jane Goodall focused on the chimpanzees in Tanzania while Mary Galdikas studied Orangutans, Hike to the Dian Fossey gravesite trail Volcanoes National Park

Hike to the Dian Fossey gravesite trail Volcanoes National Park
Hike to the Dian Fossey gravesite trail Volcanoes National Park

She came to Africa a second time and first settled in Virunga National Park of Congo before settling in the Volcanoes National Park. Dian She started studying mountain gorillas into their biological composition and social behavior. She would get close to a specific gorilla group and try to talk to them in their own language. With time the mountain gorillas started trusting her in their presence.  A gorilla named Digit had a strong bond with Dian Fossey and when he was later killed by poachers, Dian was deeply distraught thus forced to focus not only on research but also on gorilla conservation and the eradication of poaching as these were a threat gorilla survival, Hike to the Dian Fossey gravesite trail Volcanoes National Park