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Bird Watching Volcanoes National Park

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The Virunga massif area which houses Volcanoes National Park is a birders haven for insightful Bird Watching Volcanoes National Park Rwanda Safari Packages besides gorilla trekking and the golden monkeys. Rwanda has over 700 bird species and some endemic to the Albertine Rift compared to other countries. There are seven birding areas in Rwanda, the Important Birding Areas (IBAs) are found in its three National Parks of Volcanoes, Akagera, and Nyungwe then in Akanyaru, Nyabarongo, Rugezi Swamp and Cyamudongo. Bird watching in the Volcanoes national park gets tourists to see the following birds; African Green Broadbill, Lagden’s Bush-shrike, Kivu Ground Thrush, Rwenzori turaco, dusky crimson-wing, Archer’s ground robin,  francolins, Rwenzori double collared sunbird, red-faced woodland warbler, strange weaver, collared apalis,  Rwenzori batis, Grauer’s warblers, and more.

Bird Watching Volcanoes National Park
Kivu Ground Thrush

The birding habitats in Volcanoes NP are located in a steep area, thus it’s advisable to hire a birding specialist to easily identify the birds and make you safari enjoyable. The birdlife in Volcanoes National Park is good all year-round, but the volcanoes are especially wet and often masked in mist hence birding in this area is easiest during the Dry season of June to August and to a lesser extent December and January when it rains a little less. Migratory birds are present from November to April.

Tourist birders are advised to carry a birds guidebook, camera, binoculars, strong waterproof hiking boots, long socks, carry a walking stick, a rain jacket, a sweater, drinking water, snacks, a back pack, a hat and sunglasses. Tourist ought to wear long sleeved shirt and long trousers because you will be navigating through the jungles with prickly vegetation that can harm your legs and arms, due to the random weather. You can hire a porter to help carry the backpack.